The exploration of the benefits of diversification in risk-management models is unquestionably sound and the use of an elaborate macroeconometric model does enforce forecasting discipline. 对风险管理模型多样化益处的探究无疑是合理的,运用精密的宏观计量经济学模型也确实加强了预测手段。
Based on the new system of national economy accounting, macroeconometric year model ( 1978~ 1996) is constructed, and its character and construction are discussed. 构建了一个以新国民经济核算体系为基础的中国宏观经济年度模型(1978~1996),并对模型的特征、结构进行了一定的说明与讨论。
In the model, we use price adjustment equation ( Philips curve) as linkage of demand and supply, and take the potential productive capacity reflecting the aggregate supply capacity and Philips curve into the macroeconometric model. 模型中利用价格调整方程(菲利普斯曲线)作为需求和供给的结合点,将反映总供给能力的潜在生产能力和菲利普斯曲线引入宏观经济模型。
Other quantitative analytical methods include I/ O model, liner programming model and Macroeconometric Model etc. 其他定量的研究方法主要包括投入产出模型、线性规划模型、宏观经济计量模型(ME)等,本章描述了CGE模型作为政策分析工具与它们相比的优越性。